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RPD Bear
German Shepherd
Sussex Police
General Purpose
Herniated discs
What are some of the highlights of Bear’s career?
Bear was an excellent police dog and helped with many missing persons cases including a young woman who was threatening to take her life. He managed to track her to a rural location and lead officers to her so they could give her the help she needed.
What is retired life like for Bear?
Bear is enjoying retired life with his new owners – both retired police officers – but still enjoys regular trips into Sussex Police HQ where he works as a therapy dog, providing wellbeing support to police officers.
What is your proudest moment with Bear?
“Bear was out on his first proper walk following surgery to celebrate his 12th birthday when he went into work mode. He suddenly stopped and started indicating towards an area of dense undergrowth – and then dragged us to it, where he located and alerted us to a vulnerable man. We were able to assist the man back to an area where we could coordinate with police officers who had been searching for him and thankfully re-unite with him with his family. With Bear leading the way back!”
Tell us about Bear’s Award…
“Winning the Thin Blue Paw’s Lifesaver Award was amazing and completely unexpected; to say it was a surprise would be an understatement! Bear found several people during his working life who probably wouldn’t have survived without him, but he and his handler never got any recognition at the time because they were simply doing their job. For him to get this award now, in his retirement, is very special. We’re all super proud of him.”
RPD Bear worked as a general purpose dog with Sussex Police until he retired in 2020. When his handler couldn’t keep him, fellow retired police officer Julia Pope offered him a home.
Bear settled into retired life well, enjoying long walks across the South Downs and volunteering back at police HQ as an Oscar Kilo 9 wellbeing and trauma support dog for officers.
In summer 2023, Bear suddenly lost the use of his rear legs and his owners feared the worst. An MRI discovered he’d suffered four herniated discs in his spine, two which had healed and were believed to be old injuries.
Bear needed specialist spinal surgery to remove the other two discs, costing £8,200 – which we contributed 50% towards the cost of the treatment.

Julia paid for his rehabilitation and hydrotherapy but was so grateful to the Foundation for contributing towards the huge surgery bill.
After recovering from further surgery in November 2024 – to remove two tumours which was funded in full by the Foundation – Bear was out enjoying a birthday walk when he alerted his owners to a missing man who’d fallen in an area of undergrowth.
Julia said: “I’m not sure he would have survived the night as it was extremely cold and almost dark at that point. The area was off the beaten track. Unbeknownst to us, the man was a vulnerable missing person who officers had been searching for without any success.”

“I’m so grateful to the Thin Blue Paw for helping Bear when he needed it most – now here he is helping others when they need him.”
Julia, Bear’s owner

Sponsor a retired police dog
Help us with the costs to rehabilitate heroic retired police dogs once they leave the line of duty by sponsoring a dog to support their ongoing care and treatment.
Your sponsorship pack will include:
- Sponsorship certificate
- Photo of your sponsor dog
- A cuddly German Shepherd teddy
- Quarterly email updates on your sponsor dog

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