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Kent Police
Search & Detection
Inflammatory bowel disease
What are the highlights from Max’s career?
“Max was a very successful drugs dog, often featuring in Kent Police’s news. His acute sense of smell assisted his handler in identifying illegal substances and catching many offenders.”
Why did Max retire from the police?
“He retired early due to hip problems and veterinary experts had advised that he’d need a change of lifestyle and medication to help with the pain. He completed a course of hydrotherapy sessions, which the police paid for.”
What does retirement look like for Max?
“Max is the centre of attention and enjoys spending time with our children and young grandchildren. In addition to short local walks, we take him to a large secure field most weeks, where he has complete freedom to run around and sniff everything. Max loves his hydrotherapy session every three weeks and is reluctant to get out of the pool. At home he will invariably be seen with a favourite soft toy!”
Tell us a funny story about Max…
“Max has never quite left his police dog skills behind him so will always make a dash to search shopping bags on our return from the supermarket. If we aren’t careful he will grab and attempt to run off with his find, such as a sweet potato or a large cauliflower!”
RPD Max joined Kent Police as a puppy to train as a passive detection dog sniffing for drugs, until his retirement in 2022.
Jackie and Keith Buckingham, from East Sussex, adopted Max after hearing that he was looking for a new home from their son, a police officer.
“When Max’s handler, Anthony, brought Max to visit us we could see what a special dog he was,” Jackie said.
When the couple took Max to their vets for a check-up they were concerned with unexplained weight loss and some blood tests results showed low protein levels, which could indicate cancer.

Max was referred to a specialist and hospitalised for two days for investigations including a scan, endoscopy and biopsies which found he was suffering from Inflammatory bowel disease.
He needed medication and a special diet but recovered well, although he has regular blood tests to monitor the condition, needs daily supplements and occasional medication.
We covered the costs of his investigations and initial treatment.
Jackie said: “We were so moved by the Thin Blue Paw’s generosity in covering the significant cost of Max’s exploratory tests and initial treatment.”

“Emotionally it was such a difficult time for us and we will never forget the Thin Blue Paw’s kindness. Moving forward we know we could always approach them again if needed.”
Jackie, Max’s owner

Sponsor a retired police dog
Help us with the costs to rehabilitate heroic retired police dogs once they leave the line of duty by sponsoring a dog to support their ongoing care and treatment.
Your sponsorship pack will include:
- Sponsorship certificate
- Photo of your sponsor dog
- A cuddly German Shepherd teddy
- Quarterly email updates on your sponsor dog

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